pummelting toward the end of my marriage
It wasn't worth dealing with her if we weren't going to try to make a goal of it.
I feel a deep-seeded physical ache.
He was adored and put upon a pedastool being the only son
her head is disalarmingly large for her body.
from what I've gleamed from the second hand knowledge I received
So I had to sit there while you animals eloped down your dessert, pretending that it was alright.
I got my lovely stickers in the mail from Suzanne at Campaign for Unshaved Snatch (CUSS) and Other Rants. They are cute as hell, and feature a Hello Kitty-style cat and beaver hugging and saying "CUSS!"
I put one on my laptop along with my fine Red Stapler sticker and now it looks quite festive. I just hope I never have to explain CUSS to my mom, because I honestly don't think she would ever understand.
Go over to Suzanne's site and check it out. If you talk nice to her, she may even send you one.

You know I live in a tiny rented shack, right? It is deeply beloved, but very small, and it is not mine.
Last week I was telling my co-workers about my dream home, which is on my favorite street. I joked that the current owners just didn't KNOW it was my house yet.
It went on sale on Thursday. I think this is a sign.
Do you think if I put a donation button on my blog, I could collect enough for a down payment on $1.45 mil? Because I don't think selling my CD collection would quite cut it. And I would have to worry about the payments later, tra la.
It's a really nice house. On 1/3 acre, with a courtyard, fountains, pool...