When I was younger, before 10% unemployment, there was always that one disgruntled person at work who loved to say "They couldn't keep this place going without me. One of these days I'm going to walk out and THEN they'll see."
Mr. Disgrunt always had some highly specific thing HE did that no one else could do - "I'm the only one who ever files anything around here. This is my system and no one else knows where anything is."
Then came the inevitable day where they got fired or walked out in a huff and somehow everything went on without them. Someone would take a couple days and straighten out the mess Mr. Disgrunt had made of the "system" and in a few months, no one could remember Mr. Disgrunt's name unless they were making a joke about how awful he was.
Denise from BlogHer posed the question: Do you work while you're on vacation?" and most people said yes. Others asked "What's vacation? LOL".
I feel like we have almost become a nation of Mr. Disgrunts by refusing to ever take a day off. Not that we have his attitude - quite the opposite. "I'm ALWAYS available! Call me if you need me!"
We're always at work. We're so important that we just CAN'T take a day off! Oh, heck no! They can't keep the place going without me!
I've been there. I have spent many days in lovely resort locations, listening to my loved one take work calls or watching him send emails on his blackberry. "Look, honey, sunset! Oops, I guess you missed it."
I wonder how much of it is actually being needed and how much is ego desire to feel needed. Do you ever wonder?
Or it it fear? You can't stand up to your boss and say that you need to have a life outside of work? You're so grateful to have a job that you let yourself be exploited? Or you ARE your own boss and feel like you need to always push on?
Or maybe you like work more than anything else in your life? Or you're doing something really important that really does need to get done, all of the time?
Just wondering.