Actually Sarah was driving and the twins were napping. They only get to drive on weekends, Sarah said, and only then if they have the cows all milked and the butter churned. Hey, they are only 3 years old, but they are hard workers.
We went to dinner with two of my favorite bloggers and twitterers, my soul sister Nancy of Mom Ma'am Me and Parentopia Devra. I also got to meet the fabulous and pregnant-with-her-third Lumpyhead's Mom.
We were discussing the Lumpy-child-to-be's name and Lumpyhead's mom said it was John, which led to a discussion of Jon or John and Lumpyhead's mom said her husband thought it was going to be one way but she thought it was going to be the other but she hadn't told him yet.
"You have a silent H that you're keeping from your husband?" shot Devra, which made me laugh harder than I have in months. THAT's why I love her.
I am staying at the Hotel Madera at Devra's suggestion. It is the hotel the W Chicago wishes it was but can never be. It is adult and fun while still being tasteful and not Annoying as Hell. See: giraffe-print robes. Fun.

Today I did the tourist thing. Found my way around the Metro (LOVE!) to the National Mall, which is pretty much the best mall I have ever been to because there is no Abercrombie and Fitch and no Cinnabon.
I went to the Air and Space museum expecting to be underwhelmed by airplanes but got all choked up at the sliver of moon rock that you can actually touch. It was a huge attraction - people were lined up and crowding to get to it.
I found myself in tears at the thought - first at the fact that I was touching a piece of the moon THE MOON! and then at the millions of hours of labor and genius that went into making the moon landings possible. Yow.
I am a little in love with this beautiful city. It helps that the weather is probably some of the best they have all year - low 70s with big puffy clouds. If it was like this all the time, I might be tempted to move here.
Wish I could share it with you in real life instead of just on my blog.