I went to a blogger party last night and took the Red Stapler as my inanimate date, the only kind that appeals to me lately.
The event was the L.A. Blogger Bash, hosted by
L.A. Daddy.
That's L.A. Daddy, himself, bravely manning the outdoor bar.
It was at the charming Mulholland Drive casita of one of L.A. Daddy's entertainment industry friends. The friend wasn't present - this is his spare house, his party house (must be niiiiiice) and he was kind (and crazy) enough to lend it to a bunch of rampaging bloggers.
I assumed the friend's name was "Oscar", because that's what this backstage-pass-looking thing hanging up in the living room said. It didn't occur to me until this morning that the pass was to the Academy Awards ceremony and that it was very unlikely the man's name is Oscar. Don't make fun! I am just a simple country girl.
I barely knew anyone, but that was OK. Bloggers are a tribe.
I was happily reunited with
By Jane whom I met at
BlogHer last year. She didn't let me take her photo, because she insisted we wait until we meet again at BlogHer in Chicago. It's a deal.
The beloved LeahPeah and her dear husband Joe were there. Anywhere LeahPeah is is a fun place to be.
I always want to call Joe "Art" because his site is
Artlung. Sorry, Joe. In just a few more years, I will probably start calling you by the right name.

Stefanie Wilder-Taylor of
Baby on Bored. Also author of "Sippy Cups are Not For Chardonnay." She will have a big announcement on her blog sometime soon. Keep checking back. Hee hee. I know a secret!
I got to meet a bunch of cool people and to talk them into taking photos with the stapler:
The hilarious SweatPants Mom and Mr. Sweatpants

Sarah of
Sept. 10 and fiancee and lasagna-making genius Donald.
L.A. Mommy and L.A. fetus. L.A. Toddler had the night off.

Justin of
JustinSpace who seemed like a long-lost cousin. He even has a brilliant book,
Obscene Interiors, a collection of online male personals ads with the men blocked out - Justin critiques the interior decorating. Hm...sounds
familiar for some reason. NSFW!!
I loved meeting my charming neighbors to the north,
Kevin Charnas (on the left) and partner Will.
Ok, that's not everyone, but I'm tired. There are more photos up on
Flickr and I could use help labeling some of them. Your assistance would be appreciated.
Sorry about all the editing, you feeders, but I had to fix names and captions. And now I am back to say I am so dang jealous that
Domestic Slackstress wrote such a great account of the party and mine is so dry. Jealousy, thy name is Suebob.