I went to visit Queen of Spain at the hospital yesterday. She is in with a bad gall bladder, the thing that has apparently been causing some of the horrible symptoms that she has been experiencing for almost a year.
She was plainly suffering. Shift change was upon the nursing staff, and Erin's meds had fallen though the cracks. She was also suffering the after-effects of an endoscopy and a colonoscopy where the famous "twilight sleep" wasn't quite sleepy enough to keep her from feeling the various tubes they jammed in various orifices and moved her organs around with.
She was soldiering on, though, and if you know Erin, you know that means she was all over the internet in 1000 places at once. She had blackberry and iPhone at hand and was reading and occasionally pecking out almost-coherent messages.
She told me she had gotten an email (from whom, she did not say) accusing her of faking her health problems in order to garner page views.
Yes, you read it here - some dillhole on the internet actually thought Erin, who has been honest about every single detail of her life for the enlightenment and amusement of readers, would make up a horrible, painful condition to earn an extra $15 a month in ad revenue. Gah.
So we decided that I should take a photo of her all hospitaled up and twitpic it and post it so that the question of Erin's hospitalization, like Obama's damned birth certificate, could be settled once and for all. So we did.
THEN this morning she told me that someone on twitter had chosen this day, as she lay in the hospital waiting to have her surgery scheduled, chose to give her a hard time about Obama's proposed health reform plan, saying she wouldn't have been able to get surgery if it passed.
(I took down the link to her twitterfeed because she deleted the tweets and then claimed I misquoted her - but GeekMommy resurrected the actual tweet for me - "MintCool: @QueenofSpain At least we know you will get it asap. With Obamacare, all bets will be off." Ok, HUGE misquote. Mea maxima culpa. /snark )
Holy cats. I know Erin is politically outspoken. I know this trifling woman doesn't agree with her politically.
But can't people who disagree, in times of crisis, just reach out and say "Hey, I'm sorry you're hurting - I hope you can get better so we can argue again soon," instead of "Hey, let me kick you while you are down?"
I dunno. Maybe I'm extra sensitive because I got to see first-hand how badly Erin was in pain. But usually the blog world seems like a big fun hot tub of love and bubbles. And then someone goes and poops in it.