On the way in, I was following this skinny woman who was wearing fashionably ugly little booties something like this:

She wasn't doing well. I had serious big fear because she was slipping and teetering so badly. Her poor ankles were wobbly and her calf muscles were bulging from the effort of keeping herself upright.
I thought she was going to go down any minute, and not in a good way.
I got abreast of her and glanced over: "she" was a guy in drag.
Bad long stringy wig, too much makeup, guy face, adam's apple, white blouse, short skirt, booties.
Look - dress, or cross-dress however you want. If a dude wants to feel pretty and strut the mall in a pencil skirt, that's all right by me.
What I DO find offensive is the shoes, people. The shoes. Here's my advice to the sisters: If you can't walk it, you can't rock it.