I never felt like I could do fan-girl things because I was at work, being all professional and sh*t, even though meeting the hot, hot, hot Anthony Bourdain made my palms sweat and my voice shake and my brain turn to thoughts of running away and helping him debone fish on a tropical island....
The closest I ever came to blowing my professional cover was getting Mike Scioscia to autograph some balls for the exMrStapler and his friend Jim, both lifelong Angels baseball fans.
So I don't have any photos of me hanging out with famous folk - or I didn't until last Sunday night, when I went over to LeahPeah's to watch the premiere of the show she worked on as a consultant, "The United States of Tara."
Clueless as always, I met this pretty, porcelain-skinned girl and lamely tried to comfort her when she said she had social anxiety. I wanted to get her name but she seemed distracted. I didn't bother to find out why, because half the people I am around all the time are utterly ADD, so having them be distracted when I am trying to talk seems totally normal to me.
When the show came on and her name appeared on the screen as executive producer and everyone cheered, I found out she was Diablo Cody, Academy Award-winning screenwriter of "Juno" and author of brilliant books and blogs...I'm always the last to know.
So now, thanks to LeahPeah's prodding, I have my first photo of me standing next to a famous person who has no idea who I am: