Photo by Laurie White, used without permission but with a smooch and a "Please don't sue me, K?"
I was not trying to look like Elvis. Let me repeat: I was not trying to look like Elvis Presley.
Truly, I was going for more of a sparkly 80's Disco Inferno kind of thing. And I thought I looked fine, in a Boogie Oogie Oogie way.
Then about 5 people at the Sparklecorn party called me either "Elvis," or "The King."
I walked out in the lobby to have Heather B. say (I think she mighta had a couple drinks in her) "You look funnnnny, Suebob."
I went in the bathroom and observed: Elvis, OMG Elvis.
And not the young skinny Elvis, either. The horror. Elvis with 37 undissolved pills in his stomach and an impacted colon, ready to keel over.
Next year I'm going all the way and getting a jumpsuit.
Bah! I thought you looked quite sassy and seriously, Elvis never once sprang to mind.
I. can't. wait.
Hahahah awesome. How many more embarrassing moments do we get to be a part of? I love that these sort of things happen to people other than myself (I've totally committed the "hurray for gin!" error before!)
Dude, you both looked amazing AND looked like Elvis. These two things are not mutually exclusive.
Just buy a plain jumpsuit because if ever there was a place to be a bedazzling party BlogHer is the spot.
Of course, you'll want to make sure that people haven't hit the cocktail parties before bringing out the bedazzlers. Or not...
I'd rather party with you than Elvis. Any day. Skinny Elvis OR Fat Elvis. Because you rock.
You totally rocked the party.
And it was a hell of a party.
you kill me
I thought you looked like you just came from the Playboy Party. Mwah.
Shut. Up. You. Looked. Hot.
I never once thought Elvis, but I was kind of numb from Nikon when I first saw you. But even if I had, you'd have been the hot, girl Elvis.
Umm...I'm so inarticulate right now. I love you?
Hmm...every post I've read about Blogher all mentions that you were the best dressed person there. Every picture I've seen seems to show you looking mighty fine. I 'm sorry I missed it. I wanted to give you a Coach purse, as a token of my undying esteem and affection.
Sexy : yes
Elvis : no
i would've said something before you walked out the door of our room. the glasses were a touch of elvis in later days, but hey, my dad wears similar ones & they're in style again (or they were last year)
I met you oh, so briefly at that party, dressed in that manner and I gotta tell you two things:
1) you looked great
2) I thought the look was ElvisH. An INTERPRETATION, if you will. Although a jumpsuit? Would be KILLER.
You look awesome! Sounds like I missed so much fun!
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