Everybody say it with me now....awwwwww.
Helpful Hints from Suebob: Barking Dogs
At 2:23 this morning, my neighbor's dog was barking continuously with no sign of stopping. Since going over to his house requires putting on clothes, unlocking a gate and walking down a long driveway, I decided to try a home remedy first.
I went into the kitchen. Got a slice of bread. Got out the peanut butter. Slathered it on. Went out, caught the dog's attention, pitched the slice over the fence. Blessed silence.
I ran back in, put in my earplugs, turned up the fan for white noise, and fell asleep. In the half hour it took the dog to clean his chops, I was off to dreamland. If he ever started barking again, I didn't hear him.
OMG!!! So flippin cute!
And you are a smarty, peanut butter lady - that's fantastic that it worked.
And I like your new banner.
That is GENIOUS.
I'll have to remember that...
That is as bad as our rooster next door. I think he was on Australian time. Started crowing about 3am. One call to animal control took care of it. No roosters allowed in Tacoma.
Awwwwww! I want one. I promise i'll love it and feed it and clean up after it. PLEEEEEEASE??
Genius with the peanut butter.
hey, you've got dog street cred!
my mother has a pug, pictures are darn cute but he sounds totally annoying to anyone but my mom. =)
Brilliant. And that would work nicely on me, too. I love peanut butter...
I'm sure i am saying this words with you. ;D
Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy
Of course, if he's smart, he'll start barking every night just to get a peanut butter sandwich!
The peanut butter solution is serious brilliance. I think you're rapidly climbing the list of people I want around in a catastrophe. I mean, not because I want you to suffer a catastrophe, but you're clever like a ninja.
Genius! But I think next time he won't stop until you also toss him a piece of bread covered in jelly.
You are SO smart. Funny, too. Just better hope the little bugger doesn't have a peanut allergy. Although ...
Maybe it stuck his tongue to the roof of his mouth.
Brilliant. And adorable.
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