30 October 2006


If you see my debit card, will you please let me know where it is?



Anonymous said...

Oh, No! I will keep an eye out for it... hopefully it turns up in the washer or something crazy like that, considering the alternatives.

I have actually gotten so unnerved about the amount of cash I was taking out of the ATM that I drove away and later realized my ATM card was still in the stupid machine...

I now carry a spare, not-yet-activated debit card with me. It's so much easier to call the bank, cancel the one I lost, activate the spare and request they send another spare...

What? That seems normal, right?

meno said...

Dammit, i was hoping that you wouldn't notice until later.

Sorry about that. Losing things is just one of life's annoyances, without which i could do. (Trying to not end that sentence with a preposition.)

super des said...

I've done the "leaving-the-card-in-the-machine" thing. That sucks.

ATM cards are definitely one of those things that you should always know the location of.

Anonymous said...

Do you mind if I buy more shoes before I return it? I promise I'll send pictures...

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