03 September 2007

Extra day

What is it about having ONE MORE DAY in a weekend that makes it so magically delicious?

I got so much stuff done this weekend and it all seemed fun and effortless. The fridge is clean, the floors are clean, all the laundry is done AND I got to go to the beach and the pool and the gym and the movies.

I could totally do this every week.


Anonymous said...

I didn't do diddly squat with my extra day. My husband and I went to breakfast, took a long nap, went to dinner, and then blew the whole evening watching movies and cheesy VH1 shows.

I guess I'll make up for it a little later tonight when I have to clean the cat boxes and take out the trash.

Anonymous said...

Hrmph. I had to work. I'm sure you remember those days.

Anonymous said...

Oh we got crap done, but it felt far from effortless.

I'm holding out hope for Thanksgiving weekend, though.

Glad yours was great!

Suzanne said...

Please come over to my house...

meno said...

Congratulations, you are ready to retire.

Elan Morgan said...

I know. I felt like this long weekend was three weeks long. It's was wonderful. I don't know why four-week work weeks aren't a thing yet.

Alex Elliot said...

After you go to Suzanne's can you come to mine? I love the extra day off when my husband is home. Otherwise during the school year it's just one less day of preschool!

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