I went to Trader Joe's and the checker and the bagger were laughing with tears in their eyes.
I just had to know.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Oh my God," the checker said. "This lady came through my line with a box of dog biscuits. After I rang them up, she asked me to hand them to her. I looked over and she was eating the dog biscuits."
"I swear," said the bagger. "I was there. DOG BISCUITS! Just munching them down."
"Then she noticed us staring at her," said the checker. "So she held out the box and offered us some."
"Like we were staring at her because she was eating in front of us and she hadn't offered us anything," said the bagger. "Not because she was eating dog food."
I cannot make this stuff up, people. I just report what happens.
eh, don't knock it till you try it.
And here I am, feeling guilty that I open the GOLDFISH for my kid in the store.
but they're from tj's! i'm sure they were delicious dog biscuits!
I second mar. I'll bet those dog biscuits were better than their Joe-O's.
And that chick on top?
I forgot I got a fake tan for BlogHer '07. And look how shy I was with my tongue...I'll do so much better this year.
She couldn't have known they were dog treats!
ewww! Really? Maybe, hopefully it was some hidden tv show moment.
Could have been worse. Could have been...
No wait. Couldn't have been worse.
hahaha, hilarious!!!
They were probably TJ's peanut butter beggin' cookies - the hard ones for little dogs. They smell yummy - just like peanut butter, and they taste yummy, too. They are better than regular pb cookies, because they are not so sweet. Try one, you'll like it. Honest!
LOL Anonymous - are these dog biscuits a secret TJs treat?
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