20 May 2006

Crotch waxing? ¡Que barbaridad!

Reading a lot of new blogs lately. I am so excited about going to BlogHer 2006 that I have been taking some time to read blogs by other women who are attending.

I keep finding posts that mention bikini - or as I prefer to call it - crotch - waxing. It is normally something I prefer not to think about. But it is something that women just mention in passing now "Oh, yeah, got my crotch waxed."

Queen of Spain mentioned it in a post about babysitting - her former babysitter was also apparently her crotch waxer. Greek Tragedy is seeking a good waxer while she is on vacation in Austin "someone who knows to spread your ass and dig in the cracks with a waxy stick. Someone who takes out tweezers when she's done." Ick.

How did this become acceptable? How did a large portion of the American public start to think it was necessary for women to undergo this torture to be sexually attractive?

And it IS torture. Come on. If we found out that prisoners were having hot wax poured on their privates and having their pubic hair ripped out by the roots, the response would be "Call Amnesty International! Call the UN! It must be stopped!"

Women themselves are asking for it. But why? What bizarre women-hating qualities of our culture are playing themselves out in this practice? Is there anything, anything, comparably painful that men do to make themselves attractive to women?

That's why I'm with the hilarious Suzanne over at Campaign for Unshaven Snatch (CUSS). I just don't like to see torture. No matter what people call it.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, ugh, ugh. Ick.

That description from Greek Tragedy ABOUT THE PROCESS (I think, of the Brazilian wax) made me want to vomit.

Seriously. I won't be able to eat for a few hours now.

Which, considering my yearning desire to lose weight, may be a good thing. Perhaps I should read that paragraph four times a day.

Anonymous said...

ACK! That is pure torture! Who thinks that is acceptable and/or attractive? I just can't quite wrap my head around it. :(

supa said...

Cruel and unusual and unnecessary. Also, ow.


nonlineargirl said...

That's just never going to be me. I am vain, so I do the lip. So far, no complaints at home that my crotch isn't asthetically pleasing enough. Even if that did come up, I think I'd tell him that he needed to do it first to show me it wasn't so bad.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your tagline! I wish I had thought of something like that. Has it gotten you any hits? And I agree with the barbarity!

super des said...

Weird. I was going to post something about how unpleasant the whole waxing thing sounds. Now if I do apparantly I'll just be jumping on the bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. No way. Never. And I never say NEVER.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I may be totally insane...but I actually LIKE it shaven or waxed. Not the pain part. I'm not that big of a freak. But the result.

Less mess. Smooth, happy.

Ok. Maybe I am a freak.

noncommon said...

i have ALWAYS beeen highly confused by this practice! what is the fascination with infantile crotches? i think there's something innately wrong with a man baing attracted to a hairless crotch. and are all these obliging women just really helping spurn something dangerous? maybe it won't be enough for the hair to be gone, maybe the maturity will have to be missing soon too. i just think the whole thing is sick on a multitude of levels!

MrsFortune said...

To echo Cameo - This trend is because of the fascination with children's sexuality. Hairless = childlike. Men are afraid of women. They are not afraid of children. Gross, I know, but I think it's true! (um, my word verification is "mydddabo". BIZARRE).

noncommon said...

oops! just read the comment above mine and want to clarify that i am in no way refering to couples. whatever works for committed couples - i got no beef. just didn't want to seem like i was calling her husband a perv or her negligent in any way. i'm not. i'm gonna go shut up now.

SUEB0B said...

Thanks everyone for commenting. Sorry to make you sick, Jes. Unintentional.

I am just glad to hear that I am not the only person that thinks this is icky. I was afraid that I was the only dinosaur left in the building...

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Bravo Bob! I'm with you on this. I can't imagine what this must feel like.

Mary Tsao said...

I can't do the pain. In fact, I don't even like the pain of shaving (the pain of having to do it) I often forget to shave "the sides" before going to the pool.

If somebody is checking out my crotch that closely, well, then they can catch a few hairs. The older I get, the less I care about stuff like that.

I like theme posts. This was funny.

Anonymous said...

I have never tried it, husband is happy the way it is!! Sounds painful!

Table4Five said...

Just the thought of someone ripping out the hair from around my nether regions with hot wax gives me the willies. You're right about it sounding like prisoner torture.

Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. Since we're going to be roommates, you might as well know everything there is to know about me!

Suzanne said...

Yea! Hurray! I am so happy that so many women are agreeing that it is wrong on so many levels to have a shaved beaver! Let's face it: life is messy. This is just another aspect of it. You put it so nicely with this post.

Anonymous said...

I wrote one too! Way back in my archives...here it is!

I don't go hairless - that seems extreme to me. It just stays cleaned up (and pool ready) longer this way. And I have found an aesthetician who preserves my dignity and spares me as much pain as possible.

Cristina said...

I'm with you. I'm not into getting ANYTHING waxed. Let alone my crotch. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

I wax my OWN. But it doesn't hurt. I swear. I think my skin has toughened up over the years. Blogger is acting all funny and only letting me post anon. - This is TB (http://soulgardening.typepad.com/)

Anonymous said...

My personal theory is that as porn becomes, rather sadly, more mainstream, so do the mainstays of porn, namely bare-nekkid hoo-ha's.


There's something kind of gross about a grown woman made to look like a child.

I mean, I get the bikini line waxing. I don't want to see my pubes or anyone elses hanging out of a bathing suit.

But the whole thing? Eww.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Cameo. There is something very odd about bringing the 10-year-old vibe to the naughty bits.

I'm personally all for hauling the seventies playboy bunny look back into fashion; 'cause ain't nothing wrong with not getting an extremely sharp CUTTING UTENSIL anywhere near my bits. I mean it - bouffant bush is where it's at, my sistahs! (just give it a year or two, and when all the big salons no longer offer the brazilian wax, you can say lildb toljya. and if I'm wrong, you have no idea what I look like so you won't be able to pick me out of a crowd to jeer at me, anyway.)

hirsute = hotttt. dig it!

Anonymous said...

I had this done once and I will NEVER have it done again. The pain, the humiliation. . . and I had two NATURAL child births so it's not like I can't handle the pain!

Anonymous said...

Heh - so you see crotch waxing on a bunch of blogher blogs but on mine, you see, rats. Bloghers are such an interesting bunch, aren't they?

I'm a pretty much all natural woman. I've done the shaving and waxing thing and stuff - it's just not worth it and really not all that attractive for me or my partner.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I say, if we want control of our bodies, we should be able to "torture" them if we want to. I shave down there to clean up simply because I like it that way. It's not for anyone else (I live alone), and I never think twice about it because shit, it's my crotch. If someone TOLD me to do it, yeah, I'd have an issue. But women deciding how they want their bodies to look is totally fine with me. If they want to withstand hot wax for it, great. No worse that getting pierced or tattooed because you like the appearance of those things.

Anonymous said...

Never done it, never will. Pretty much all winter I'll rock the 70s bush. Which is to say I completely ignore any and all maintenance. Those disco girls really knew how to roll. Summertime brings a close crop with (maybe) shaven sides, just to edge of bathing suit. No landing strips, PLEASE.

Anonymous said...

I've kind of come full circle on this issue. I used to think it was an emulation of child-like genitals. Then i got my eyebrows waxed for the first time and well it all went south from there.

I haven't had a bikini wax or anything, but i have started shaving and where to stop got very confusing. I ended up shaving off way more than i intended. It itched like hell for the first few days and i was kicking myself. Then the itch went away and i found i liked the way it felt. It was kind of liberating and made sex more interesting. Now it itches like mad if i don't shave, but i am kicking myself for adding something else to my already rushed shower routine.

How's that for a first comment!

OhTheJoys said...

I was once having coffee with a "pro-feminist man" and I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. He was GOING ON AND ON about the horrors of female shaving and how the patriarchy had subjected women to this and how women shouldn't shave. (I was shaven - and it was obvious per the afore-mentioned outfit.) Finally, I set my coffee cup down, looked at him and asked, "How is it any different for a man to tell me NOT to shave than for a man to tell me TO shave?" That shut him up. Free to choose!

SUEB0B said...

I am of course for personal freedom. Wax yourself, get plastic surgery, dye your hair, pierce yourself, all to your own taste.

But still, OW.

Anonymous said...

I've never waxed but I like to shave it. I used to feel like others ie: hairless is childlike and seemed wrong. But I tried shaving the lips completely and leaving the front cropped neatly. In other words I have hair on my mons and look like a woman. WOW! I believe it makes oral pleasure (for her) much more pleasant for the man and the woman. I agree it itches when it grows back. I think some women are intimidated by the thought of it but the reaction from their partner would be well worth the try!!!

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