01 February 2007

In case you were feeling bad about yourself

Just when I think the world can't possibly get any weirder, there's this story from the NY Times (reg required, just do it!).

Let me summarize: 29-year-old dude goes around pretending he is 12 years old. Why? Because he is a child molester, and what better way to get to hang around young boys?

Ok, that's weird. But now to kick it up a notch (as Emeril would say). Dude moves in with two other child molester dudes, Mr. Stiffler and Mr. Snow, and convinces THEM he is underage, so they are totally happy to let him live with them, so they can "molest" him - not knowing he is actually a legal adult.

But here is my favorite part, and I quote:
The authorities said Mr. Stiffler and Mr. Snow were shocked, too, and angry about being duped by an adult posing as a minor.

The two molester dudes were angry because they thought they were molesting a child, but they actually weren't, so, what, they felt used??? Arrrrrrrrrgggggg.

I don't think they have much room to get on their moral high horse here. In fact, this may have been a perfect opportunity for them to haul out that tried and true phrase despised by journalists everywhere: "No comment."


Does anyone else hate the Blog Exchange? I get all confused about who is posting and it makes my head hurt. I'm always reading them, thinking "Hey, she doesn't have a teenaged daughter! She has toddlers?!" and then trying to figure out how I missed the teenaged daughter all this time, until I get to the bottom where they announce this is a freaking blog exchange.

Do me a favor, next time - announce the exchange dealie AT THE TOP, please. I am already confused enough as is.


super jive said...

Okay, I am derailing, or on-de-rails, or whatever, but I found this blog today:


Perhaps you already know. Hope you are well.

Anonymous said...

I think they got on their "Immoral High Horse" or "Low Horse" or "Immoral Low Arse" or something. There has to be a phrase to describe the situation of people electing to invoke a right when by doing so it implicates their complete and utter lack of character.

Anonymous said...

There is something so creepy about every aspect of this story... School after school enrolling the 29 year-old guy as a 12 year-old for starters.

Lynnea said...

That is wack. And the two offended offenders? Well maybe they should have said, "At least it was legal." Can they be convicted if they thought they were molesting a child when in fact they were legally having consenting sex? This is all too weird. My mind needs a break.

claire said...

how could a 29 year old look like a 12 year old in the first place? that must be one freaky looking guy...

And EW. Ew, ew ew. Eww.

super des said...

I read that story. And by "read" I mean, saw the headline and summary and passed on over.

I get confused with Blog Exchange too, even when I'm participating.

Mignon said...

When I first read that story I just bundled the paper up and threw it away. I didn't even recycle it. It was worse than trash.

The blog exchange thing? Well, since I'm irritable and don't feel like filtering today, it just seems gimmick-y. And I'm such a purist, you know.

jaded said...

So much for that saying honor among thieves...

Busy Mom said...

I'm not wild about the Blog Exchange thing.

meno said...

The molester guys had a win/win situation for a while. Good lord, some people really should be removed from society.

Blog exchanges fuck with my head too. Just say no.

Skye @ Planet Jinxatron said...

Blog Exchange needs warning labels, you are correct.

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