14 November 2006

Unnatural Axe

The U.S. Catholic bishops took up the sticky subject (no pun intended) of homosexuality at their semi-annual conference and decided:
"Because homosexual acts cannot fulfill the natural end of human sexuality they are never morally acceptable," said Bishop Arthur Serratelli, who headed the committee that crafted the guidelines. "Such acts furthermore do not lead to true human happiness."
I suppose by "fulfill the natural end of human sexuality" they mean "make a baby."

What about infertile hetero married couples? Are they acting immorally if they still have sex?

What about hetero married couples who have already procreated and are now past reproductive age? Do they need to become celibate? Mom, Dad, are you listening? NO FUN FOR YOU OLD PEOPLE. BACK TO MATLOCK, YOU TWO.

What about hetero couples who give up on vaginal intercourse and "make sexytime" (as Borat would say) some other way - orally, anally, fetishistically...? Ok, yeah, I agree, that has GOTTA be a sin.

And as far as "true human happiness"? I dunno, but I hear that The Kaiser is quite truly happy on Father's Day, after the Queen takes part in the annual GBJD tradition. And there ain't no baby-making involved in that one.


Anonymous said...

Tee hee hee

Ah, yes. Sex ONLY for baby making...yet one of the many reasons I am no longer a practicing catholic.

Anonymous said...


Here is the permalink

Anonymous said...

As a practicing Catholic, I struggle with what the church believes about homosexuality. I can only say that as I Catholic, I hate that homosexuality is a sin, because I have gay friends and they are really happy.

But my religion is also very important to me. It's such a catch-22. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question about early Catholicism's attitudes regarding sex that wasn't intended to make a baby?

They were against it.

MrsFortune said...

Yeah I've never understood that whole sex is evil if not for the purposes of baby making thing due to all the reasons you mentioned.

There was also a big demonstration in Israel recently and all the orthodox rabbis "came out" against homosexuality. Jon Stewart actually had quite a funny joke on the Daily Show today about it.

Taunted said...

or what about hetrosexual couples who enjoy anal sex?

Are they wrong too.

If this is followed to conclusion it must also mean that oral sex is wrong, masturbation is wrong etc. etc.

ecogrrl said...

Taunted, yep, those things aren't really condoned by the powers that be in the faith. What your parish priest tells you, of course, is a different thing entirely...and so, here I am. Non-practicing Catholic who still finds herself unable to officially quit (all you other liberal Catholics out there know what I mean).

And yep, it all pisses me off more than I can say.

super des said...


SUEB0B said...

Taunted - Careful reading will show that I gave a proper shout-out to the anal sex hetero couples out there. I wouldn't want to ignore that segment of my readership, LOL.

And yeah, I understand how one could want to be a cultural Catholic. The radio story I heard said that only 4 percent of Catholics follow the tenet of absolutely no contraception beyond the Rhythm Method.

Anonymous said...

Ha. Please. And this is why I don't go to church.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it somewhat hypocritical of the Catholic religious leaders to come out with this stance on homosexuality given their history with choir boys and all..

Anonymous said...

Isn't the whole premise of Catholicism that piety should be completely devoid of fun? *ducking*

See, that's why I'm a Methodist. We're into both potlucks and sex. Everyone wins.

LittlePea said...

I sort of have this view on the Catholic church as something I was born into--it's not something I can totally escape from but not something I feel the need to participate in....two weeks ago I had some treatment at a Catholic hospital where my two doctors treating me keep stressing how important it is for my health and safety of any future child in my womb that I DO NOT get pregnant for at least a year. When asked what prescription meds I would be taking during my stay there, I said birth control pills....my nurse paused apologetically and said, ooh we'll have to leave that off your chart and just sort of give them to you on the sly, this is a Catholic Hospital, you know? I didn't choose the hospital-it was the only one available for what I needed done at the time, by the way.

I totally agree with dana about the whole catch-22 thing....
I do find the stance on homosexuality as a sin is ridiculously hypocr....oh don't even let get me started

meno said...

Oh dear, since my husband has had a vasectomy (a sin) so that we wouldn't have more babies, we are doomed to an eternity of hell.
See y'all there.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes. And my husband wonders why I am not chomping at the bit to convert to Catholicism.

Anonymous said...

These are questions I've asked myself so many times. It boggles the mind.

Anonymous said...

Such is partly why I'm a recovering Catholic. That's not to say I don't believe in God, because I do. I just don't agree much with organized religion, because the PEOPLE in it can muck it up so much. I have a hard time believing in a God who the church says loves us anyway no matter what, but can turn around and say things like what that Bishop said. It's very contradictory and hypocritical, and I think that's what I have such a hard time with.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts went the same direction as happy & blue 2. Given the rate of success of some priests in that matter of celibacy, it would seem to be a mouthful for them to suggest it for their "followers".

Perstephone said...

What baffles me is that when someone is saying something so completely ridiculous and illogical, how is it that they expect to have credibility? This is not a knock on the religion itself, but the people who represent it. If someone is spouting this sort of information, I have a problem trusting their stance on pretty much anything else.

Princess in Galoshes said...

I have a similar question about marriage being defined as the union of one man to one woman, because it's how God wanted it to be.

Does that mean atheists shouldn't be allowed to get married, since they don't see it as being under God? Or agnostics? No marriage for you, until you're sure!

Or anyone who doesn't subscribe to the Christian definition of big guy in the sky?

Good post!

Suzanne said...

Quick distinction - priest who like boys are pedophiles. I hate when people just say they're homosexuals because it makes it sound like all gay people like kids, which we know is a fallacy. (terrible pun.) Not that anyone here meant it that way, but still.

It's all just too sad how many lives all ruined by rhetoric like this. Why the fuck do people care what two consenting adults are up to in the sack?

Mignon said...

There are too many things wrong with that quote. I didn't know where to start.

True human happiness only comes from procreating, apparently.

Anonymous said...

If it's ONLY for babymaking, then why is it so enjoyable? Why do men think about it every six seconds regardless of whether babymaking is on the agenda? I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with the Pope...again.

(I heard you on the Blog Talk Radio thing last night. I couldn't play it live, though, but it was still nice to hear your voice again!)

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