15 October 2006

In living color

Because my brain is tired, you get the photo post. This will also give you a break from my blathering.

First, a flashback for those who went to BlogHer. If you didn't drink too many Yahootinis, you may remember that it was held at the San Jose Hyatt, a slightly moth-eaten facility that featured, among other delights, bathrooms with no exhaust fans.

Imagine the horror of sharing a room with someone you just met, dining on greasy hors d'oeuvres for three days, and having an exhaust-fan-free bathroom. Yeah.

I'm not saying that Elizabeth and I had any...uh...problems, but it could have happened.

Mr Stapler and I recently stayed at the San Francisco Grand Hyatt, a slightly more upscale facility. But apparently the exhaust-fan ban is a chainwide phenomenon. Thus:
Ah, brings back memories.

Next, something I have been wondering about. See those little words "Serving Suggestion" in the bottom left?
They are on EVERYTHING. Why? Did someone complain that, when they bought a box of tomato soup, that they didn't get the bowl and the garnish?

There must be some kind of law about it. Is there some kind of federal dept of Serving Suggestion? No, don't answer that.

And last, my dryer.
See the text on the upper right? LESS DRY?

What does THAT mean? I dunno about you, but I have never, ever put something in my dryer and wanted it less dry. Have you?


Anonymous said...

You know, now that you mention it, I really am glad that neither of us had any, um, problems at Blogher. Did the hairdryer in the San Francisco Hyatt work? Bet it didn't.

The Serving Suggestion thing cracks me up, too. There must be a federal labelling law that says those words have to be next to the photo of the food. Because hey, my Cheerios didn't come with a bowl and some strawberries. I'm gonna sue!

Lastly, my dryer also has a "Less Dry" option. If you take the clothes out and they still feel a little damp, the "less dry" setting runs the dryer for just a few more minutes. You needed to know that, right?

Anonymous said...

I ponder the Serving Suggestion thing nearly every day, I tell you. And Less Dry? THE FUCK. What is that? And WHY? WHYYYYY?

Anonymous said...

Well, for knits or other delicates, sometimes it can help preserve the stretchiness of the fabric by not cooking it too much in the dryer-- you let it air-dry the rest of the way on a rack.

I've wondered about whether or not there was some "Serving suggestion" lawsuit. I'm also intrigued by the "Enlarged to show texture" disclaimer-- was someone really upset their shredded wheat wasn't as big as it looked on the box?

Lisa said...

I've always wondered about the "less dry" thing too. Whu?

Girlplustwo said...

ok, you are cracking me up, and i needed that. besides, i always drank tomato soup out of the box...i had NO IDEA about that whole bowl/spoon thing.

carrie said...

Yup, that "less dry" setting on the dryer has been haunting my brain too - because I have an "air dry" and a "fluff" option also.

What ever happened to "ON"???

I love that soup!


Anonymous said...

My washer and dryer have so many settings that I have no clue about. I always use the same ones and so far it has been working out okay for me ;-)

Lynnea said...

Wouldn't it be scary if there was a "Less Clean" option on your washer? If I wanted my appliance to do less of what it is supposed to do, I wouldn't be using it.

Anonymous said...

Less dry? Oh, yes...for those days when I like my pants slightly damp.

Anonymous said...

I never even noticed the serving suggestion thing before. How is it the govetnment can expend the time and energy to regulate that, but not healthcare? Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Hey Suebob--judging from your comment on my blog that the ranch-dressing incident seemed right up your alley, PLUS the fact that I checked out your blog and noticed that we have thought the same thing about both "Serving Suggestion" and "Less Dry," I think that's a good enough sign for me that I should start reading your blog every day!!

meno said...

Back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, i took a class in advertising law. If you show the product in any way other than in a pile, you have to put those dumb ass words on it. Thank you Federal Government for protecting me from the horrors of my own stupidity.
Another example of madness: If you are taking pictures of a bowl of ice cream, with say, chocolate sauce, photographers often use mashed potatoes instead of ice cream because it doesn't melt. This is not legal if the product being advertised is the ice cream, but it's okay if you are selling the sauce.
Amusing Trivia R Us.

MrsFortune said...

You are totally cracking me up.

Ditto on the "less dry" feature. Duh? Okay. If I wanted them "less dry" that would involve getting them wet. A need I can't imagine having.

Serving suggestions, I've always loved them, too.

Cristina said...

Suebob, you crack me up. Thanks for the laugh. I never thought about that "less dry" feature either, but you're right that IS weird.

And the serving suggestion thing - I think it's because people might have thought that the whole box was one serving. People get confused easily, you know.

Her Bad Mother said...

LMAO on that last one. Thank you.

kris said...

Sweet baby Jesus, I can't believe you just wrote about the less dry phenomenon, which has had me completely consumed for at least the last week.

You are my new hero.

super des said...

What gets me about the serving suggestion is how pretty it is. My food never looks like that (see my latest blog) - am I not following the serving suggestion correctly?

Anonymous said...

I think serving suggestion should have a disclaimer saying "Ain't going to happen at your house".
And I just checked my dryer. Ha, it has the setting in French and English. Gotta love being a Canadian..

SUEB0B said...

lauren - I am actually kind of appalled that I have written about 2 things that have appeared on your blog. I swear I haven't been through your archives! I don't want to be some kind of Bitacle, sucking up your content...Maybe hilarious people just think alike? Yeah, that's it.

ms blue said...

My dryer is on the fritz. I turn it on and come back to find that about three minutes after I left it must have stopped. Maybe it is on that damn less dry setting.

I now travel with my tin scented candle a necessity for hotel bathrooms. I learned my lesson when I suffered from food poisoning on a business trip.

karla said...

And it's because of those strange dryer settings that my husband won't do laundry. He can build a computer and conquer the universe all at the same time, but he can't figure out the buttons on the dryer.

Mignon said...

Yes yes, drying settings are so whatever, but HEY! There's a tv in that bafroom! A tiny tube for tinklers! Okay, that was a little dorky...

Christina said...

Ah yes, the bathrooms with no exhaust fans, and the mirrors that never unsteamed. Good times, good times...

But at least the one in your picture had a TV in the bathroom, so you could at least have something to watch while waiting to see in the mirror again.

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