29 May 2006

The adventures of Suebob, girl reporter

On weekends I change from a mild-mannered cubicle dweller into an ace newspaper reporter, which is my true identity. I do not have a cape, but I have 7 pens, a steno pad and a slightly expired press pass that never fails to get me a good parking spot.

After so many hours at my regular job, sending emails that keep getting forwarded from person to person while no one claims responsibility ("Perhaps Bob Smith can help you on the project. Bob?" Bob: "Sorry, this isn't my area of responsibility but Andrea Carter knows about this." Andrea: "Since the reorganization I don't own this area any more"...and so forth) it is refreshing to get out and look people in the face and talk to them. Besides, most staff writers would like Saturdays off, instead of going out and cover goofy stuff like parades and food festivals.

I reported on Memorial Day today and was determined not to make the rookie mistake of getting a blistering sunburn at the event. I slathered myself in sunscreen, stuffed 400 kleenexes into my purse (allergies are kicking my butt), grabbed my notepad and took off.

The event was easy to cover, a piece of cake. Except for the fact that it was hot, and I guess I was sweating, because sunscreen got in my eyes.

I was already a little runny from my allergies and being outside standing in a field of grass, but then the terrible pain in my eyes began and I started crying. Not a little dab-at-the-corner-of-your-eyes crying, either. Full on tears, flowing freely down my face, unstoppable.

Some people mistook my heaving sobs for overwhelming emotion at the sacrifice of our service members and nodded approvingly in my direction. For one moment I was seen as a super patriot, not as a despised member of the America-hating, peacemongering, liberal media!

I interviewed one woman who turned out to be a nutcase. This happens every so often as a reporter. You walk up to enough strangers and start asking them questions and some of them are bound to be off their tree.

She took a look at me crying and decided I needed prayer. She did a laying on of hands and beseeched the Lord on my behalf. I thanked her kindly, because she was right. At that point nothing short of a miracle could have helped me.

I peered at the program through my tears. We were only on the Civil War and we still had both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq to get through. I was okay until the bagpiper came out and then I knew it was time for me to hit the road. A girl can only stand so much suffering in one day.

Anyway, I survived. A day in the sun, commemorating our fallen appropriately, and a couple dollars in the bank. But next time, I'm getting the sweatproof sunscreen.


Lisa said...

Ahhh yes. The nutcases.

I was a reporter years and years ago.. You DO get one of those now and again. And I always covered events during this weekend. So thanks for evoking some great memories. Cause I loved every minute of it. :-)

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Lol the sunscreen weep. I've done it myself. The stuff's potent.
I love that you had hands laid on your liberal self.
Amen sister. go Bush

noncommon said...

are you morphing? first, i noticed a name 'change' and now a new picture! keep going! i think it's cool. kind of like i'm discovering more about you. and just for the record, the new picture looks totally different from the old one. hope youare feeling better. see ya later!

Table4Five said...

I didn't know you were a reporter too. See, learning something new every day over here.

Mary Tsao said...

Sunscreen in the eyes mixed with "Taps" would probably put me over the edge. Oprah calls it the "ugly cry."

Although if somebody laid her hands on me and prayed, I might have to break out in hysterical laughter.

SUEB0B said...

Cameo - maybe I am morphing back. I was Suebob for years n years and tried to put it away and become a real adult. That just didn't work out so well, so now Suebob is creeping back in. The photo is of me just out of the shower, naked. I figure everyone else has naked pictures on the internet, why shouldn't I?

Cristina said...

Oh no, not the sunscreen! I hate it when that happens!

Dude, did I not know before that you're from CA. Me too! Perhaps I've read some of your articles....?

ninepounddictator said...

Man, I was a reporter for a couple years and you made me laugh at the memories! All reporters have the best stories, don't they (and sometimes awful ones!) Glad I found your blog. Come visit me at ninepounddictator.blogspot.com

ninepounddictator said...

Man, I was a reporter for a couple years and you made me laugh at the memories! All reporters have the best stories, don't they (and sometimes awful ones!) Glad I found your blog. Come visit me at ninepounddictator.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

hehe what an adventure!!

noncommon said...

good! (with a great big ol' smile on my face)

Anonymous said...

Blogger ate my comment!

This is good information to have in case I ever need to "cry" on cue ;o)

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