03 June 2006

No, It's not THAT kind of blog

I feel dirty after reading what people were searching for when they found my blog. Who knew the world was so full of sick fucks. "men pooping pictures"? Eeew. "Excessively long pubic hair?" Likewise. And now "Red Snatch Crotch." I mean, come on, people. I am going to delete all my old posts and start just posting excellent butter cookie recipes.


Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

How do you find what people were searching for to find you?

SUEB0B said...

Gandhi - go to Statcounter.com (or just search for free stat counters). You have to register and they will generate some code for you to hide in your template. Then you can go back to their site and it will give you all your stats - how many ppl visited, how long they stayed, what sites they came from and keywords they searched to find you. Warning: it is easy to become obsessed with your stats!

super des said...

I check my stats all the time. And I get some weirdos looking for stuff too. Someone once looked for "Greg Kinnear bound and gagged." For some reason, a lot of people (like 85%) search for "tiger haiku." This brings them to my tiger haiku about getting a tattoo. I sometimes feel I should write a better tiger haiku.

Debbie said...

mmmmm. butter cookies. *drooooool*

yes, please. butter cookie recipes, pronto. :)

(but make sure to dirty it up a bit by including something about extra-long pubes - it'll be good for a laff.)

noncommon said...

yup, there are some weird f**cks out there, fer sure fer sure. i haven't come across any really bizarre ones on my tracker - but i haven't really looked at them all. maybe i should.

Cristina said...

Wow, you DO have some sick f*cks looking at your blog. I don't get anything nearly that sick, but somehow I feel cheated, like why don't the sickos want to check out MY blog?? I guess I need to kick it up a notch and write about extra long pubes or something. :)

Anonymous said...

So you know how much like a hummingbird I am...
Who's driving this hand basket anyway?

SUEB0B said...

Love is...thanks. I appreciate it.

Des - people rarely find me through searches. But the things the few are searching for are exceedingly odd IMO.

Lildb - butter cookies, coming up.

Cameo, Mommy Off - maybe it is my weird posts that attract weirdos. Try thinking like me...on second thought, don't. You don't want to, really.

Laurabob - I am on a mission from The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Blog stats are always weird!

Suzanne said...

Oh man, this is timely. I just made a word search to post on my blog on Thursday using the terms that people used to get to my blog. It always cracks me up when I see that someone went through 20 page views in 12 seconds. I know that they are desperately searching for that one picture that they are sure must be there. Ha ha ha,

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