Click the graphic, scroll down, enter your url and find out how you stand.
About a month ago, Mr Stapler brought me a brochure for Wellbutrin for seasonal affective disorder. Very funny, ha ha, we all know how I hate the dark days of winter.
Or maybe it's not such a big joke. There has got to be a reason that Thanksgiving is always the beginning of an annual tailspin. Melancholy, tired, numb. I moved out from his house last year at this time.
I don't want to talk to anyone, do anything. I feel like I am wrapped in fuzzy dense wool. It is 8:20 pm and I am thinking of crawling in bed.
Arg. I don't want to take Wellbutrin OR sit in front of a light box. I suppose moving to Australia for a few months is my only hope. Or Argentina, where I could mess with my Mexican Spanish. I will check on plane tickets. As soon as I manage to wake up a little.
B-lister too. And considering that The Washingtonienne is on the B-list herself, I feel like I'm in pretty heady company.
I don't know if Wellbutrin is your answer or not, but perhaps it's worth a trip to the doc (and a referral to a good therapist) to discuss. And I only suggest this because once upon a time I thought it was a laughable suggestion myself.
For what it's worth: I do 20 minutes in front of my lightbox each mornig while I'm checking my email. It's painless. (Bright, but painless.) I start after Thanksgiving and wrap up around St. Patrick's Day, and it keeps me from hiding in my bed or killing anyone. ;)
If it makes you feel any better, I'm a C-Lister! Ha. That's funny!
It's always nice where you are ... if it is sunny and warm and not too noisy.
Drats. I'm D-list. I think I could have lived without knowing that.
Good luck in figuring out the whole seasonal thing. A lot of people are struggling with that right now, and I'm hoping there's something out there that can make everyone feel better.
Argentina is fun, but the plane tickets are expensive. Plus I went there during their winter, so I got a whole year of gray. I was backwards.
Ouch, D List for me. :(
I've had a couple of friends swear by the light box and considered getting one myself this year. I probably still will before too long.
C-Lister, here. I don't know if Wellbutrin is right for you either, but I'd like to let you know that having suffered with Seasonal Affective Disorder for years, Wellbutrin is like my miracle drug. It lets me come out of the fog. Call me or email me any time if you want to talk, too.
B lister AND Wellbutrin taker... and I live in a sunny place... man, I am all messed up. ;-)
I'm totally on the d-list and I'm totally at peace about that!!!
I was having some winter blues last weekend husband said to me,"Why don't you put on some lipstick? That always seems to make you feel better..." He was only trying to cheer me up(and he was sort of right) but still, I wanted to strangle him. Luckily it passed. I spent a really rough winter in Canada a few years ago, though, and went psychotic--if only I had known about Wellbutrin then.
SueBob, you are a B-lister and must come to the next B-Lister meet-up...
And the real B-list button is here:
(Sorry about the SAD. I strongly encourage you to vacation elsewhere, as my prescription for all that ails.)
How do I find out how many people link to me? I call myself a B-lister, but that's because I had no idea there were so many other categories. Geez...apparently and A-lister needs to be or something. Anything just shy of that is "B", and clearly, that's not me. One more think to make my day seem crappy.
wah. D lister here.
It's things like this that make me question my competitive side. I'm on the C-List. WHA? Dude. I totally need to get on that.
Much to my surprise and embarrassing delight, I am a B-lister too.
Move to Florida. Our weather this time of year is perfect.
C-listers of the world, unite!
Lord I'm a D lister, this is not helping my blogging slump...try not to think about it, try not to think about it....ack
Schnozz, you are *so* not a D-lister! (Assuming you are the Schnozz I know and love, but your blogger profile isn't telling me anything!) Also! Also! Remember that Technorati is not always right - for example, if someone links somewhere - anywhere - other than the front page, then they don't list it. Like, for example, if you're listed on Amalah or Sweetney or Chirky (these are the only three I can think of at the moment, but I know there are more!) who uses a separate page for links, then it'll never show up.
Technorati blows.
However! Links aren't everything! No need for competitiveness! Let's remember that blogging is FUN! Yay! It's just fun! OMG! Could I! Use! More! Exclamation! POINTS! OMG!!!!
SB: I'm so sorry about the SAD. How does that happen in such a pretty climate? And I do not recommend Florida, clearly. Heh.
The SAD is about day length, not heat or lack thereof. There are some flowers that won't bloom without long days. Apparently I am one of them.
Apparently I'm a D- lister. Only because they don't have an F I guess. Rats..
I would sympathize with your condition but seeing that I'm not in your league I'll just move on..
That's it, I'm adding Jonniker to my Blogroll-she's hilarious!
It seems like many people I know have a really hard time with the short days. Usually, I'm OK with it, but this year, it's been hard. Maybe because it is unseasonably warm?
At any rate, you are an A-lister to me!
Ah! Day length makes sense. It's hard for me to imagine, because compared to the bleak, neverending sunless existence in Massachusetts, Florida and California are such an improvement! But day length! Aha!
And with that, Florida- at least the part where I live - might *be* for you, because of our western placement within our time zone. We get at least an extra 40 minutes of daylight compared to other people.
I'm a C-lister, but maybe that will change as Showtime just linked to me this morning?!?!?! Who knows, but what I do know is that depression can be agonizing. I've been on Wellbutrin for PPD and I found it helpful. I'm actually considering getting back on it because things outside of my control have become a little overwhelming for me recently.
I have a friend who gets seasonal depression and she hangs a papier macher sun in her work space and has a special lamp to keep her spirits going.
At any rate, I wish you the best during this challenging time of year.
I'm an ASS-lister. Self-designated.
You poor thing. I used to have a light box back in my early days as a Seattlite. Now I am an INSANE caffeine abuser. It's working for me...though not for my kidneys, I'm sure.
Wow. D-list all the way baby. Nice.
Anyway "moving to Australia"? That's from one of my fave kids books, "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-good, Very bad day" Remember that book?
Winter blahs are so yucky.
Wow. I'm a B-lister. That almost makes up for the black cloud that's hanging over my head since we moved the clocks back.
I think I'm going to look into that Wellbutrin stuff. And a light box. And a trip to a warm climate.
Wellbutrin saved my life. Helps seriously with both my SAD and OCD. But *if* you choose to use it, ask for the extended release kind. Fewer side effects.
NOT slamming you and your decision to medicate or not, Suebob...just wondering here. Why are we always so reluctant to take medicine that will help us with brain chemistry? Meds like Wellbutrin regulate chemistry. Insulin regulates chemistry too, but most diabetics don't say "oh, I don't like the idea of having to take a medication for the rest of my life, so I'm not going to." Well, they COULD say that. But then they'd probably not do too well.
I may or may not take Wellbutrin or another OCD-regulating anti-depressant med for the rest of my life. But for now, it fixes what needs to be fixed (St.John's wort didn't do the trick, unfortunately), and I take it along with the multi-vitamin I choose to take every single morning.
We're all grateful for different things. I'm grateful for the pill that allows me the freedom to be myself, instead of that chick who cries and washes her hands all the time. :D
Carolie - I am all for drugs if they help people. But I would rather try everything else first. I am hypersensitive to every kind of drug - even decongestants make me feel horrible, and painkillers that are mild to others knock me for a loop - so I resist medication, afraid of side effects. I also don't want to go through the process of adjusting to Wellbutrin every fall and getting off of it every spring...So for me, I will try the light box first.
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