03 January 2008

Politics as unusual

Barack Hussein Obama. Dang me. I don't know exactly why I burst into tears when I heard he won Iowa, but I did.

Is it that he is biracial?
Is it that he is so damned smart?
Is it that he isn't Hillary?
Is it that he has a wife who is strong and opinionated and not at all run-of-the-mill? (Maybe. Michelle Obama has more conviction in her left ear than Hillary Clinton has, period.)

I know John Edwards would make a great president. Chris Dodd is a fine man, too. Bill Richardson is pretty cool and has a lot of diplomatic experience.

But Obama - he can talk hope. And hope is what I need right now. I just want to curl up and listen to him tell me things can be better.

If the president is largely a figurehead, then give me a figurehead who makes me feel good for a change.


Julie said...

I feel the same way. It's been so hard to feel anything but contempt for all politicians these past 8 years, so when someone steps out that gives us hope, it's worth a good tear or two. Let's hope his momentum builds.

Lynnea said...

I hear you loud and clear. Seems to me that hope is the number one thing we've lost. After losing our freedoms, our sense of security, our belief that our vote counts, losing hope was a devastating blow.

In the immortal words of Anne Murray (oh yeah I said Anne Murray, ha ha) "sure could use a little good news today".

Mrs. G. said...

Yeah, it was a good day. I love Edwards, but Obama will do in a pinch. He's pretty wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I am so beyond thrilled about this, I've been grinning all morning. And maybe tearing up as well. I love Obama. I think he will bring this country what it needs -- exactly as you said, hope. And also unity and cooperation.

We're part of a historic moment today. It's pretty damn cool.

LittlePea said...

Me too!!! I was so happy, I found myself cryin too. And until then(and even now)I wasn't sure who I like the most out of all the Dem candidates. I, too, like Edwards and I wouldn't count him out just yet. But there's just something about Obama.

Suzanne Reisman said...

I'm a fan of both Edwards and Obama, too. I think Edwards will stand up to bullies a little better, but Obama works, too. Both men have kick ass wives. Justin loves Bill Richardson. He always picks some sort of senior statesmen type who is the most qualified but least likely to win. Actually, with his track record, candidates should hope he doesn't support them or they are doomed. Anyway, I love your take on all this.

Kris said...

I am right there with you. As much as I would love to see a woman as president, I'd like it to be one that isn't an untrustworthy, unqualified, unpersonable hack. Obama wreaks (did I spell that right?) of hope and that's a scent we all do need right now.

FENICLE said...

There is something intriguing about his persona. I can't quite put my finger on why I'm drawn to him & Edwards...but I am.

Julie Marsh said...

This post made me smile. I was glad to see that he won too, although I have to admit I really dig Richardson.

mar said...

it wasn't too much of a surprise here in iowa. i know a lot of independents that caucused democrat simply because of obama. i'm glad it was by such a large margin. unfortunately, i knew richardson had no chance of getting the minimum 15% in my polling location, but i'm ready to put my 'obama '08' sign i received in the mail in my window.
i just wonder who we'll get on the vp ticket...

the mystic said...

I thought of you when he won. I was really surprised and now I'm a little scared, because as much as I like him, I fear he can't pull off the national election, and I really really really don't want President Huckabee!

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