13 October 2006

Grab your MOO

I think I mentioned that I got the Moo Mini Cards the other day. They are little cards about half the size of a business card that have a photo on one side and my contact info on the other. I used 30 of the BlogHer Red Stapler photos and they mostly came out beautifully.

I offered them up to anyone who wanted to email me at snackishblog[AT]yahoo.com and I have been sending a few out to nice people like SuperDes, Lori of Avocado8, LadyM, and other fine folks.

I still have cards featuring the following bloghers - claim them if you want them:
Jen of Not Calm dot com
Leah of LeahPeah
Christina of A Mommy Story
Amy of Amalah
Suzanne of CUSS and other Rants
Alice of Finslippy
Heather of Dooce
The Princess of Flooded Lizard Kingdom
Catherine of Her Bad Mother
Izzy of IzzyMom
JenB of Jen and Tonic
Jennster of you guessed it, Jennster
Jes of Drowning in Kids
Jenn Satterwhite (too many Jens!!!) of Mommy Needs Coffee
Kristen of Motherhood Uncensored
The Queen of Spain
Tracey of Sweetney
HeatherB of No Pasa Nada
Roo of Roo the Day
A triple bill of Chase of Taste the World, Karl of Secondhand Tryptophan and Lisa Stone of Surfette and BlogHer.

Offer good while supplies last. Just send me your snailmail and I will try to fulfill your request. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. No shirt, no shoes - what, are you blogging naked?

Whew. That was the linkiest post ever.


Anonymous said...

I WANT one. Or Mine. Or someone elses. I don't care. Suprise me.

Heather B. said...

Me, me! Can I just say that BlogHer seems like for-freaking-ever ago?? Or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

I got mine and I love them, can I have some more? I'll take Jennster and Izzy if no one else has claimed them. Oh, and Jenn from Mommy Needs Coffee, too!

SUEB0B said...

Heather B - email me your snailmail - snackishblogATyahoo.com

QofS, Elizabeth - gotcha covered.

Anonymous said...


i want one.

what's your email?

super des said...

I'm so glad you posted links to the cards I received but did not read the blogs of. (?)
Now I do read the blogs of the people whose pictures I have.

wish I had been at blogHer.

Lady M said...

Oh boy, I can't wait to see the little card!

Skye @ Planet Jinxatron said...

Whatever happened to the minicard with my pic? It cracks me up to think of me on a card...

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