11 October 2007

The update

My dad calls the long talks old people give about their health "organ recitals." (Now you know where I get my sense of humor from).

Surprisingly, the old dude is okay. I would say he has 90% of his speech and memory back. Pretty shocking considering that they couldn't even give him any treatment.

The standard treatment for stroke is blood thinners. But last time they gave him coumadin, several years ago, he suffered massive bleeding everywhere and it almost killed him. He spent months sitting in his recliner, barely moving, losing weight.

I went to work today and worried all day. My brother-in-law called about 3 pm and said he had spoken to Dad and that he made perfect sense.

Suddenly the clouds parted and they day grew a little brighter.

Thanks for all the wishes and prayers. I love you people!


And now - go Diamondbacks. I have fear.


Anonymous said...

That's great news!

Anonymous said...

My dad has had two of those TIA strokes, but we didn't find out about the first one until they did an MRI after the second one. So glad to hear he's doing better.

Suzanne said...

Now just keep him away from the woman with the colostomy bag.

Major Bedhead said...

Oh, I didn't read yesterday! I'm so glad he's doing ok. I hope he continues that way for a long time.

Organ recitals. That's hysterical.

super des said...

I'm glad to hear that.I'm still not ready to hear about anyone's dad's health failing.

claire said...

well that's good to hear.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that he's on the mend! Sending good thoughts your way.

mar said...

so glad to hear it.

LittlePea said...

Whew! What good news.

ByJane said...

Good news! My dad too had a bunch of TIAs. The first one, he kind of keeled over on me, literally, but then popped up again. It scared the shit out of me, but he lived a long long time after that.

These guys that fathered us are something, aren't they! I get my warped view of the world from my dad, too.

Amy said...

SO glad to hear your dad is recovering so rapidly. It doesn't matter the age, it is scary to see your parents sick.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a spectacular recovery, especially without any meds.

I hope he continues to do well.

Unknown said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Here's to a full recovery. Take care of yourself. Big,big hugs!!

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